#31 World V1 (2016) VA4 Taifun vom St.-Michaels-Berg IPO3 is son of VA Leo von der Zenteiche IPO3 and V Jacky vom St.-Michaels-Berg SchH2. He is the great-grandson of 2X World Vize Sieger VA2 Quenn vom Loher Weg IPO3 and well-known VA Furbo degli Achei SchH3 IPO3 is his grandfather.
Kor Report:
"Large, powerful and full-bodied, richly pigmented, commendable proportions of black on the back, expressive. Correct overall build, good head, high withers, straight, firm back. Normal position and length of the croup, well laid upper arm, very good rear angulation, absolutely correct front. Straight sequence of steps seen from the front and rear, dynamic, space-consuming gaits. Secure nature, TSB pronounced."